Overloop AI: The Future of Sales is Here!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of Overloop AI, an AI-powered sales machine designed to empower and transform the way we engage with prospects.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of Overloop AI, an AI-powered sales machine designed to empower and transform the way we engage with prospects.
We love email prospecting. We're even building a company based on it. And in doing so, we've seen some pretty good work.
A few days ago I sat down with our sales guy here at Overloop. We talked about how some of our customers didn't manage to close more sales despite our efforts in helping them run more successful email campaigns.
Emulate the greats. If you see them doing something, and it's working, you should be doing your best to replicate their behaviour, especially when it comes to attitude and mindset.
This is not the first time we talk about the importance of following up on this blog. Grant Cardone will tell you to be unreasonable about it.
As you probably know -or don't- Overloop's purpose is to help salespeople cut their time spent on prospecting by 50%. Those efforts are accomplished through our product as well as through this blog.
Like basket balls, emails bounce. Also if you don't aim correctly, you don't score and when they bounce back at you, it hurts.
The perfect email campaign doesn't exist, but you can get pretty damn close to it. And while there's no exact recipe, there are a few ingredients you just have to include if you want to increase your reply rate.