Reports V2

Carina Gotovcenco Jun 4, 20212 min read

Are you ready to dive deep into your sales team’s data? Our new detailed reports will bring you the needed insights! 📈

I believe we don’t need to tell you how vital sales reporting is. Having comprehensive data can help you make the right decisions when it comes to your business planning, creating or improving the sales strategy, understanding your team’s and process’s strengths and weaknesses. This is why we’re thrilled to introduce our new reports.

So what’s new? Everything! Jokes aside, check out the Reports section to see the updated tabs: Account Activity, Outbound, and Revenue.

Account Activity

The overview of the activity happening in your account, grouped by different criteria (date or source of creation, etc.).

Available reports:

  • Organizations
  • Prospects
  • Tasks (created and completed)
  • Notes
Sales Reporting & Forecasting in Overloop sales automation & cold emailing software


Look at the performance of your outbound emails in funnels and graphs.

Available reports:

  • Replies funnel: contacted > opened > replied
  • Visits funnel: contacted > opened > clicked > visited
  • Distribution (by dates, days of the week, hours)
  • Bounces & opt-outs
Sales Reporting & Forecasting in Overloop sales automation & cold emailing software


Track your deals and pipelines to have a complete view of your whole sales process.

Available reports:

  • Pipeline funnels
  • Deals creation
  • Won & lost deals
  • Deals value
  • Deals duration
  • Revenue forecast
Sales Reporting & Forecasting in Overloop sales automation & cold emailing software

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